Tetra Blocks is a simple but enjoyable Tetris game. In case you don't know the game, in Tetris you need to place the falling blocks in the playing field in a way to form lines and make the blocks disappear from the screen. If the blocks reach the top, the game is over. For every line you create, you will be given points. Every level has a target score that you need to reach in order to get to the next level. A great thing about this game is that you can play alone, with or against a friend, and you can select different difficulty levels for each player. The blocks can be rotated and you can select the rotation direction for each player, as well as customize the control keys and add a timer.
If you want to make the game even more challenging, you can also add quakes to the game, which means that blocks will be automatically added to any place of the playing field. Sadly, the game offers poor graphics, simple sounds, and very repetitive and annoying music.
In short, if you are looking for a Tetris game to pass the time, I suppose that you may try Tetra Blocks and see if it works for you.